The Wall Street Journal's blog Independent Street is one of my favorite resources even if I don't check it as often as I should. Sometimes, I write down words of wisdom, bits of inspiration or that which makes me think from the articles in the blog. Here I'll share a few of my favorite I find myself revisiting often:
Want to Create an Innovation Culture? Here's How. Nov. 20, 2008
"Successful innovation can't just be small incremental innovations- it must be 'disruptive' or radical innovations that shake up the status quo." and "The largest gains in business come from more daring innovations that challenge the paradigm and the organization."
What Innovation Means for Small Businesses. Nov. 24, 2008
"From our perspective, innovation is three things: empathy, creativity and execution - and you have to have all three. Empathy is about getting employees out in the real world. If you work for company that makes kitchen tools, you should go hang out with the chefs that use those kitchen tools."

I think these are quotes are helpful reminders that it's not THINGS it's the WAY WE DO THINGS that make the biggest impact and cause societal shifts and trends when it comes to innovation. "Things" themselves often help us change the "way we do things" for sure. But when you're ideating, innovating or whatever you want to call it, it seems necessary to first think of the process that needs changing and then solve it, perhaps with a thing if need be.
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