Thursday, May 20, 2010

Copy Power

Hi there-

There are two ads I love right now.
The first as is - a billboard for Heineken that read: Sometimes Saturday is better on a Tuesday. It does a great job of selling the category. Not sure why it is unique to Heineken specifically but at least it says something and gave the brand personality. It made me chuckle. It speaks to a laid back, care free person and helped me say, "I know the kind of person who believes that. I believe that. Heineken believes that. I identify."
The second is a Chrysler ad. It was found in a magazine. The copy is beautiful but it's long for a print ad and it's hard to read. I think you could literally cut out the copy, make it a viral video and use one single line for the print ads: "Let's make cars people want to make out in again." Love it. It's big, it's lofty, it's nostalgic, it's happy, it's a romantic, emotional notion and nod to the past.
I am going to try to take pictures of and scan in these ads to share with you. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Great stories agree with our worldview. The best stories don't teach people anything new. Instead, the best stories agree with what the audience already believes and makes the members of the audience feel smart and secure when reminded how right they were in the first place."

- Seth Godin

What is planning about?

Most people say the why. Ask why, dig deeper into the why. But what about the how? The how is important. The why makes us better thinkers. Deeper, more insightful thinkers. But the how is action oriented. It says, "Maybe there aren't many new ideas. But there are new things you can do with old ideas." Planning should be as much about the how as it is about the why.

"If you can't tweet it...

It's not a big idea."

Read that quote somewhere. I like it and believe in it. The murky waters of idea-land are difficult to wade through.